Brand Creation | Visual Identity | Strategy | Art Direction | Digital | Print | Film | Advertising

Talkativity CIC provides expert counselling for those affected by cancer, they offer an entirely online service, so those affected can access support where and when suits them.

Positive Cancer Counselling

Talkativity employ professional counsellors experienced in working specifically with people affected by cancer, offering weekly one-to-one counselling sessions. These sessions enable clients to express their fears in a safe space, helping come to terms with the emotional strain and face the changes cancer can bring.

We were asked to develop a brand name and visual identity for the service that highlighted the positive nature of opening the conversation about cancer and the benefit that talking therapies can bring to those affected and those around them.

All profits from Talkativity’s activity are donated to We Hear You, a free to use emotional support service for those affected by cancer and other life changing conditions.


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